Can You Drive a Dually With One Tire

Опубликовано - 2 года назад | По предмету Английский язык | автор Аккаунт удален

Поставьте глаголы во время Present Continuous или Present Simple.
1.Let's become out. Information technology isn't raining (not/rain) now.
two.Julia is very good at languages. She … (speak) four languages very well.
3.Hurry up! Everybody … (await) for you.
4."… (you/listen) to the radio?" "No, you tin can plow information technology off."
5."… (you/listen) to the radio every solar day?" "No, just occasionally."
6.The River Nile … (menstruation) into the Mediterranean.
7.Look at the river. It … (flow) very fast today – much faster than usual.
viii.We usually … (grow) vegetables in our garden but this year we … (not/abound) any.
9."How is your English?" "Peachy. It … (improve) slowly."
ten.Ron is in London at the moment. He … (stay) at the Park Hotel. He … (always/ stay) there when he's in London.
11.Can we terminate walking soon? I … (start) to experience tired.
12."Tin can you drive?" "I … (learn). My father … (teach) me."
13.Normally I … (finish) piece of work at 5.00, just this week I … (work) until half-dozen/00 to earn a bit more coin.
14.My parents … (alive) in Bristol. They were born there and take never lived anywhere else. Where … (your parents/live)?
xv.Sonia … (look) for a place to live. She … (stay) with her sister until she finds somewhere.
sixteen."What … (your begetter/do)?" "He'southward an architect simply he … (not/work) at the moment."
17.(at a party) Usually I … (enjoy) parties but I … (non savor) this 1 very much.
18.The train is never belatedly. It … (always/leave) on time.
19.Jim is very untidy. He … (e'er/exit) his things all over the identify.


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